Going Through the Notions by Cate Price

Going Through The NotionsGoing Through the Notions by Cate Price is the first book in the new “Deadly Notions” mystery series. Publisher: Berkley Prime Crime, September 2013

A retired schoolteacher—and yes, daughter of an F. Scott Fitzgerald fan—Daisy Buchanan has finally found her calling in the quaint village of Millbury, Pennsylvania. While her husband endlessly renovates their old house, Daisy happily presides over Sometimes a Great Notion, a quirky shop that sells sewing bits and bobs, antiques, and jewelry.

Daisy has her eye on an antique dollhouse and a classic Singer Featherweight at the local auction—until her friend and mentor, auctioneer Angus Backstead, is led away in handcuffs. It appears he bashed in the head of a drinking buddy who stole a set of fancy fountain pens. Daisy’s sure the sprightly old-timer couldn’t have done it. But if Daisy can’t stitch together the bidder truth—and soon—Angus will be going once, going twice…gone forever.

Knowing her jailed friend and mentor is innocent; Daisy begins her own investigation in search of a cunning murderer who is hiding in plain sight.

I like it. This was a good story that held my interest from beginning to end. The mystery was good and I liked that I felt like I was a part of the scene as Daisy went about solving the clues to the murder. I enjoyed the camaraderie that existed in their little village with each clue that Daisy uncovered helping to narrow down to the big reveal. The author did a good job in keeping me on my toes throwing me off my track with a couple of red herrings here and there, overall a good job in delivery a finely tuned piece of work. With a great supporting cast, engaging dialogue and a small town atmosphere, I can’t wait to dive into the next book in this pleasantly appealing series.

FTC Disclosure – The publisher sent me a copy of this book, in hopes I would review it.

previously posted on the Cozy Chicks blog

2 responses to “Going Through the Notions by Cate Price

  1. I’m waiting for my paperback copy to arrive even as we speak.


  2. I like that shop already!
