
Barbara H, blog reader: I love your blog. I read it every day and appreciate all the recommendations you make for your readers! Thanks to you I always have a stack of books that are waiting to be read. Your blog is a wonderful part of my daily routine.

Maya Corrigan, author of the “Five -Ingredient” mystery series: It’s a lot of fun to write a blog post from a character’s point of view.

Sally Goldenbaum, author of “Seaside Knitters” mystery series: having places to go where I feel at home–like Dru’s Musings– is quite a wonderful help.

Carolyn Haines, author of “Sarah Booth Delaney” mystery series: the world of blogging is a happening place and Dru’s blog is a hot spot!

Alyssa Maxwell, author of “The Gilded Newport” mystery series: You know I love to participate on your blog, it’s always such a pleasure.

Jo-Ann Reccoppa, author of the “Jersey Girl” mystery series: I just wanted to thank you for the delightful experience of guest blogging on your website. I’ve never done anything like that before. You’re doing a beautiful job keeping literacy alive and well, in case you haven’t been told this before.

Nancy Cole Silverman, author of the “Carol Childs” mystery series: You do writers such a service with your Musings. I’m happy to be one of the lucky ones you’ve chosen to work with.

Lea Wait, author of the “Mainely Needlepoint” mystery series: Thanks so much for welcoming me back! I love your blog.

Linda H., blog reader: Love your site! First one I go to each day.

Robin C., blog reader: I enjoy your blog so very much and is one of the first blogs I check out each day. You have a way of presenting information about books that provides an insight as to what the book is about.